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Discovery for Kids

Discovery is a great place for kids from Nursery to 6th grade to learn and apply God’s Word to their life.


We need workers to help with Sunday School, nursery, and Vacation Bible School.


All of our workers have current state clearances and background checks. The area is set apart for safety and fun. 

Rebel Student Ministries/Fusion Youth Group


The place to be for students in 7th through 12th grade. A great time of fellowship and fun activities, and a place where you know you are loved. 


All workers have current state clearances and background checks. 


Fusion is on Sunday evenings from 6-8 PM. It is run by Lawrence County Youth Ministry.

Worship Ministries


Our church loves to serve with music!


Be it Sunday morning worship, or Hometown Holiday parade, the New Creation worship team is always ready with a song.


Singers and musicians  are encouraged to inquire about how they can participate.

Life Groups & Bible Studies


 Life Groups address everyday issues, in community, based in the Word of God.


Our Bible studies target a passage or book of the Bible and break it down for better understanding. 


These small groups are mainly for adults and may include teens. They are not exclusive or closed. They do rotate subjects and are different times and places.  Check out the button below for more details.


We need leaders, hosts, and organizers to make our Life Groups run smoothly.

Audio/Visual Team

Sound Mixer

We have a fantastic team that manages the technical aspect of worship. 


Making sure the worship team sounds amazing, the visual presentation is on point, and video is available for remote worshipers takes a focused effort from a talented group of men and women.  





While our fellowship is no longer nomadic, we still require faithful volunteers to assist with setup and teardown. The needs and schedules have changed, but we are blessed with a flexible space, and we utilize that space by reconfiguring for different events.


Our team is dedicated to making our worship area uniquely ours during the service, and uniquely prepared for other activities as necessary.



The opportunities listed above are only a few of the many we offer at New Creation. 


If you'd like to be involved in our Food Ministry, Missions, Operation Christmas Child... we'd love to hear from you! If you have a gift for leadership, organizing, or special skills in finance or technology we have a place for you to serve. 


Even if you think you don't have useful gifts... we would like the opportunity to prove you wrong. In 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, Paul reminds us:


Now there are different gifts,  but the same Spirit. There are different ministries, but the same Lord. And there are different activities, but the same God activates each gift in each person.  A demonstration of the Spirit is given to each person  to produce what is beneficial.

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