Love God
Build the Body
Serve the Community

Worship With Us
10:30 AM on Sundays
We welcome everyone, but encourage anyone who is sick or at-risk to worship with us remotely.
UPDATE: We are now meeting in our new building! Come visit us at
725 Pearson St, New Castle, PA 16101
If you need us, please email at info@newcreationfmc.com.
Join us online here
Or watch live on Facebook and explore past videos on YouTube.

A Place For You
More than a church building, we are a family of people that share a journey. Together we are learning what it looks like to follow Jesus and serve our community. Being the church together means more than attending church services on Sundays, it means that we are growing relationships and sharing life together in the midst of our daily lives. If you are looking for a place where you can be yourself as you grow in learning what it means to love God, we would love to get to know you and see if our New Creation family could be the place you are looking for.

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The very best way for you to keep up with all that is happening with our New Creation church family is to make sure that you are receiving our monthly updates. Use this form to subscribe now!